@LH#wghn0h~dv⺱0hNDG.l`ބ|f!o'JPJwL hq}}5 P:yIG.1fPPC |É]dv&筙ob0ң]]`Y$^&KqnK7 Vv0y$4m;Sjmc0 +QFd@wlYT5w*m$lH$=0tK$u] } $ZmҜV:QeF< JqX=/0d 4|) , kG* !*I(:  RR;d>@iDicSĆP@Y0AXX{4J ;r2OY@\iAb( b3|U) $8нSxy4ht'*12`oSGo0ph2!;VJDX>=M~ H7d )ͨJnpWW`@5BJ**ݠ0&h _;Hct0Sbw$;=P;Qi[*agS3u@]PЏ2]'pW'4hc-CS~08h0cS0[HU:0h-`O.1͑@;]UL$,d~uD@f!ң[ "c8.1hR8 d P8Dk@ l 8s% h0q k0'@3 30@e=$ ̀[]3%Qt{ŸD @]+qTM]~BG@KDbPwip21_p_ڻo!5c+ B0hx@r adFp0h< !k{W\0X 1ljj,h.!g{$crjK8:ЏJݤӰp+'BFUBBtJF`=\Е$ |ZÈJR0!R}<0Rh, Ũ`@-9\ ԛδ*@I?PR0CʊwF2&]j2 Àh]4t;;;ٚ7cR1hFHK89ZE1h8 4&W%،@0Dh0Z񪚿qKPIpȂG.oX/Lf>IyR0ȐqE"٩:m)<A~C `hrS@0kAȦNdxY h s>!h qlUW] ywj|q1b™#ǜTHŒɜ@NbT’0@ݜ3H@\–[!7D:sX$3q9.҄ 2D;pid = $strPid; $objModel->tstamp = time(); $objModel->name = $objFile->name; $objModel->type = 'file'; $objModel->path = $objFile->path; $objModel->extension = $objFile->extension; $objModel->hash = $objFile->hash; $objModel->uuid = $objDatabase->getUuid(); $objModel->save(); $arrPids[$objFile->path] = $objModel->uuid; } else { $objFolder = new Folder($strPath); $objModel = new FilesModel(); $objModel->pid = $strPid; $objModel->tstamp = time(); $objModel->name = $objFolder->name; $objModel->type = 'folder'; $objModel->path = $objFolder->path; $objModel->extension = ''; $objModel->uuid = $objDatabase->getUuid(); $objModel->save(); $arrPids[$objFolder->path] = $objModel->uuid; } // Store the model to be returned (see #5979) if ($objModel->path == $strResource) { $objReturn = $objModel; } } // Update the folder hashes from bottom up after all file hashes are set foreach (array_reverse($arrPaths) as $strPath) { if (is_dir($projectDir . '/' . $strPath)) { $objModel = FilesModel::findByPath($strPath); $objModel->hash = static::getFolderHash($strPath); $objModel->save(); } } // Update the folder hashes if ($blnUpdateFolders) { static::updateFolderHashes($arrUpdate); } return $objReturn; } /** * Moves a file or folder to a new location * * @param string $strSource The source path * @param string $strDestination The target path * * @return FilesModel The files model */ public static function moveResource($strSource, $strDestination) { self::validateUtf8Path($strSource); self::validateUtf8Path($strDestination); $objFile = FilesModel::findByPath($strSource); // If there is no entry, directly add the destination if ($objFile === null) { $objFile = static::addResource($strDestination); } $strFolder = \dirname($strDestination); // Set the new parent ID if ($strFolder == System::getContainer()->getParameter('contao.upload_path')) { $objFile->pid = null; } else { $objFolder = FilesModel::findByPath($strFolder); if ($objFolder === null) { $objFolder = static::addResource($strFolder); } $objFile->pid = $objFolder->uuid; } // Save the resource $objFile->path = $strDestination; $objFile->name = basename($strDestination); $objFile->save(); // Update all child records if ($objFile->type == 'folder') { $objFiles = FilesModel::findMultipleByBasepath($strSource . '/'); if ($objFiles !== null) { while ($objFiles->next()) { $objFiles->path = preg_replace('@^' . preg_quote($strSource, '@') . '/@', $strDestination . '/', $objFiles->path); $objFiles->save(); } } } // Update the MD5 hash of the parent folders if (($strPath = \dirname($strSource)) != System::getContainer()->getParameter('contao.upload_path')) { static::updateFolderHashes($strPath); } if (($strPath = \dirname($strDestination)) != System::getContainer()->getParameter('contao.upload_path')) { static::updateFolderHashes($strPath); } return $objFile; } /** * Copies a file or folder to a new location * * @param string $strSource The source path * @param string $strDestination The target path * * @return FilesModel The files model */ public static function copyResource($strSource, $strDestination) { self::validateUtf8Path($strSource); self::validateUtf8Path($strDestination); $objDatabase = Database::getInstance(); $objFile = FilesModel::findByPath($strSource); // Add the source entry if ($objFile === null) { $objFile = static::addResource($strSource); } $strFolder = \dirname($strDestination); /** @var FilesModel $objNewFile */ $objNewFile = clone $objFile->current(); // Set the new parent ID if ($strFolder == System::getContainer()->getParameter('contao.upload_path')) { $objNewFile->pid = null; } else { $objFolder = FilesModel::findByPath($strFolder); if ($objFolder === null) { $objFolder = static::addResource($strFolder); } $objNewFile->pid = $objFolder->uuid; } // Save the resource $objNewFile->tstamp = time(); $objNewFile->uuid = $objDatabase->getUuid(); $objNewFile->path = $strDestination; $objNewFile->name = basename($strDestination); $objNewFile->save(); // Update all child records if ($objFile->type == 'folder') { $objFiles = FilesModel::findMultipleByBasepath($strSource . '/'); if ($objFiles !== null) { while ($objFiles->next()) { /** @var FilesModel $objNew */ $objNew = clone $objFiles->current(); $objNew->pid = $objNewFile->uuid; $objNew->tstamp = time(); $objNew->uuid = $objDatabase->getUuid(); $objNew->path = str_replace($strSource . '/', $strDestination . '/', $objFiles->path); $objNew->save(); } } } // Update the MD5 hash of the parent folders if (($strPath = \dirname($strSource)) != System::getContainer()->getParameter('contao.upload_path')) { static::updateFolderHashes($strPath); } if (($strPath = \dirname($strDestination)) != System::getContainer()->getParameter('contao.upload_path')) { static::updateFolderHashes($strPath); } return $objNewFile; } /** * Removes a file or folder * * @param string $strResource The path to the file or folder */ public static function deleteResource($strResource) { self::validateUtf8Path($strResource); $objModel = FilesModel::findByPath($strResource); // Remove the resource if ($objModel !== null) { $objModel->delete(); } // Look for subfolders and files $objFiles = FilesModel::findMultipleByBasepath($strResource . '/'); // Remove subfolders and files as well if ($objFiles !== null) { while ($objFiles->next()) { $objFiles->delete(); } } static::updateFolderHashes(\dirname($strResource)); return null; } /** * Update the hashes of all parent folders of a resource * * @param mixed $varResource A path or an array of paths to update */ public static function updateFolderHashes($varResource) { $arrPaths = array(); if (!\is_array($varResource)) { $varResource = array($varResource); } $projectDir = Path::normalize(System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.project_dir')); $uploadPath = Path::normalize(System::getContainer()->getParameter('contao.upload_path')); foreach ($varResource as $strResource) { self::validateUtf8Path($strResource); $strResource = Path::normalize($strResource); $arrChunks = array_filter(explode('/', Path::makeRelative($strResource, $uploadPath))); $strPath = $uploadPath; // Do not check files if (is_file($projectDir . '/' . $strResource)) { array_pop($arrChunks); } // Build the paths while (\count($arrChunks)) { $strPath .= '/' . array_shift($arrChunks); $arrPaths[] = $strPath; } unset($arrChunks); } $arrPaths = array_values(array_unique($arrPaths)); // Store the hash of each folder foreach (array_reverse($arrPaths) as $strPath) { $objModel = FilesModel::findByPath($strPath); // The DB entry does not yet exist if ($objModel === null) { $objModel = static::addResource($strPath, false); } $objModel->hash = static::getFolderHash($strPath); $objModel->save(); } } /** * Synchronize the file system with the database * * @return string The path to the synchronization log file * * @throws \Exception If a parent ID entry is missing */ public static function syncFiles() { @ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); // Consider the suhosin.memory_limit (see #7035) if (\extension_loaded('suhosin')) { if (($limit = \ini_get('suhosin.memory_limit')) !== '') { @ini_set('memory_limit', $limit); } } else { @ini_set('memory_limit', -1); } $objDatabase = Database::getInstance(); // Begin atomic database access $objDatabase->lockTables(array('tl_files'=>'WRITE')); $objDatabase->beginTransaction(); // Reset the "found" flag $objDatabase->executeStatement("UPDATE tl_files SET found=''"); $projectDir = System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.project_dir'); /** @var \SplFileInfo[] $objFiles */ $objFiles = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( new SyncExclude( new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator( $projectDir . '/' . System::getContainer()->getParameter('contao.upload_path'), \FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS|\FilesystemIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS|\FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS ) ), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST ); $strLog = 'system/tmp/' . md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); // Open the log file $objLog = new File($strLog); $objLog->truncate(); $arrModels = array(); $arrFoldersToHash = array(); $arrFoldersToCompare = array(); // Create or update the database entries foreach ($objFiles as $objFile) { $strRelpath = StringUtil::stripRootDir($objFile->getPathname()); if (preg_match('//u', $strRelpath) !== 1) { $objLog->append("[Malformed UTF-8 filename] $strRelpath"); continue; } // Get all subfiles in a single query if ($objFile->isDir()) { $objSubfiles = FilesModel::findMultipleFilesByFolder($strRelpath); if ($objSubfiles !== null) { while ($objSubfiles->next()) { $arrModels[$objSubfiles->path] = $objSubfiles->current(); } } } /** @var Model $objModel */ $objModel = $arrModels[$strRelpath] ?? FilesModel::findByPath($strRelpath); if ($objModel === null) { // Add a log entry $objLog->append("[Added] $strRelpath"); // Get the parent folder $strParent = \dirname($strRelpath); // Get the parent ID if ($strParent == System::getContainer()->getParameter('contao.upload_path')) { $strPid = null; } else { $objParent = FilesModel::findByPath($strParent); if ($objParent === null) { throw new \Exception("No parent entry for $strParent"); } $strPid = $objParent->uuid; } // Create the file or folder if (is_file($projectDir . '/' . $strRelpath)) { $objFile = new File($strRelpath); $objModel = new FilesModel(); $objModel->pid = $strPid; $objModel->tstamp = time(); $objModel->name = $objFile->name; $objModel->type = 'file'; $objModel->path = $objFile->path; $objModel->extension = $objFile->extension; $objModel->found = 2; $objModel->hash = $objFile->hash; $objModel->uuid = $objDatabase->getUuid(); $objModel->save(); } else { $objFolder = new Folder($strRelpath); $objModel = new FilesModel(); $objModel->pid = $strPid; $objModel->tstamp = time(); $objModel->name = $objFolder->name; $objModel->type = 'folder'; $objModel->path = $objFolder->path; $objModel->extension = ''; $objModel->found = 2; $objModel->uuid = $objDatabase->getUuid(); $objModel->save(); $arrFoldersToHash[] = $strRelpath; } } elseif ($objFile->isDir()) { $arrFoldersToCompare[] = $objModel; } else { // Check whether the MD5 hash has changed $strHash = (new File($strRelpath))->hash; $strType = ($objModel->hash != $strHash) ? 'Changed' : 'Unchanged'; // Add a log entry $objLog->append("[$strType] $strRelpath"); // Update the record $objModel->found = 1; $objModel->hash = $strHash; $objModel->save(); } } // Update the folder hashes from bottom up after all file hashes are set foreach (array_reverse($arrFoldersToHash) as $strPath) { $objModel = FilesModel::findByPath($strPath); $objModel->hash = static::getFolderHash($strPath); $objModel->save(); } // Compare the folders after all hashes are set foreach (array_reverse($arrFoldersToCompare) as $objModel) { // Check whether the MD5 hash has changed $strHash = static::getFolderHash($objModel->path); $strType = ($objModel->hash != $strHash) ? 'Changed' : 'Unchanged'; // Add a log entry $objLog->append("[$strType] $objModel->path"); // Update the record $objModel->found = 1; $objModel->hash = $strHash; $objModel->save(); } // Check for left-over entries in the DB $objFiles = FilesModel::findByFound(''); if ($objFiles !== null) { $arrMapped = array(); $arrPidUpdate = array(); /** @var Collection|FilesModel $objFiles */ while ($objFiles->next()) { $objFound = FilesModel::findBy(array('hash=?', 'found=2'), $objFiles->hash); if ($objFound !== null) { // Check for matching file names if the result is ambiguous (see #5644) if ($objFound->count() > 1) { while ($objFound->next()) { if ($objFound->name == $objFiles->name) { $objFound = $objFound->current(); break; } } } // If another file has been mapped already, delete the entry (see #6008) if (\in_array($objFound->path, $arrMapped)) { $objLog->append("[Deleted] $objFiles->path"); $objFiles->delete(); continue; } $arrMapped[] = $objFound->path; // Store the PID change if ($objFiles->type == 'folder') { $arrPidUpdate[$objFound->uuid] = $objFiles->uuid; } // Add a log entry BEFORE changing the object $objLog->append("[Moved] $objFiles->path to $objFound->path"); // Update the original entry $objFiles->pid = $objFound->pid; $objFiles->tstamp = $objFound->tstamp; $objFiles->name = $objFound->name; $objFiles->type = $objFound->type; $objFiles->path = $objFound->path; $objFiles->found = 1; // Delete the newer (duplicate) entry $objFound->delete(); // Then save the modified original entry (prevents duplicate key errors) $objFiles->save(); } else { // Add a log entry BEFORE changing the object $objLog->append("[Deleted] $objFiles->path"); // Delete the entry if the resource has gone $objFiles->delete(); } } // Update the PID of the child records if (!empty($arrPidUpdate)) { foreach ($arrPidUpdate as $from=>$to) { $objChildren = FilesModel::findByPid($from); if ($objChildren !== null) { while ($objChildren->next()) { $objChildren->pid = $to; $objChildren->save(); } } } } } // Close the log file $objLog->close(); // Reset the found flag $objDatabase->executeStatement("UPDATE tl_files SET found=1 WHERE found=2"); // Finalize database access $objDatabase->commitTransaction(); $objDatabase->unlockTables(); // Return the path to the log file return $strLog; } /** * Get the folder hash from the database by combining the hashes of all children * * @param string $strPath The relative path * * @return string MD5 hash */ public static function getFolderHash($strPath) { self::validateUtf8Path($strPath); $strPath = str_replace(array('\\', '%', '_'), array('\\\\', '\\%', '\\_'), $strPath); $arrHash = array(); $objChildren = Database::getInstance() ->prepare("SELECT hash, name FROM tl_files WHERE path LIKE ? AND path NOT LIKE ? ORDER BY name") ->execute($strPath . '/%', $strPath . '/%/%') ; if ($objChildren !== null) { while ($objChildren->next()) { $arrHash[] = $objChildren->hash . $objChildren->name; } } return md5(implode("\0", $arrHash)); } /** * Check if the current resource should be synchronized with the database * * @param string $strPath The relative path * * @return bool True if the current resource needs to be synchronized with the database */ public static function shouldBeSynchronized($strPath) { if (!isset(static::$arrShouldBeSynchronized[$strPath]) || !\is_bool(static::$arrShouldBeSynchronized[$strPath])) { static::$arrShouldBeSynchronized[$strPath] = !static::isFileSyncExclude($strPath); } return static::$arrShouldBeSynchronized[$strPath]; } /** * Check if a file or folder is excluded from synchronization * * @param string $strPath The relative path * * @return bool True if the file or folder is excluded from synchronization */ protected static function isFileSyncExclude($strPath) { self::validateUtf8Path($strPath); $projectDir = System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.project_dir'); // Look for an existing parent folder (see #410) while ($strPath != '.' && !is_dir($projectDir . '/' . $strPath)) { $strPath = \dirname($strPath); } if ($strPath == '.') { return true; } $uploadPath = System::getContainer()->getParameter('contao.upload_path'); // Outside the files directory if (!Path::isBasePath($uploadPath, $strPath)) { return true; } return (new Folder($strPath))->isUnsynchronized(); } private static function validateUtf8Path($strPath) { if (preg_match('//u', $strPath) !== 1) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Path "%s" contains malformed UTF-8 characters.', $strPath)); } } } class_alias(Dbafs::class, 'Dbafs'); An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error

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