¤½N ¼½OÔ½Pì½Q¾R¾S4¾T0L¾U@d¾V@|¾W”¾X¬¾YľZܾ[ ô¾\ ¿]$¿^<¿_ T¿`l¿a„¿bœ¿c´¿dÌ¿eä¿fü¿hP@Ài ,ÀjDÀk\Àl@tÀm@ŒÀn@¤Ào¼Àp ÔÀqìÀr ÁsÁu4ÁvLÁw@dÁx|Áy”Áz@¬Á{ÄÁ|ÜÁ}ôÁ~ €$Â<‚Tƒl„„Â…œÂ†´Â‡Ìˆ€ä‰üŠË ,ÃŒ DÃ\ÃŽ €tÌà ¤Ã‘¼Ã’ÔÔ€ìÕĖDÄ—€4ĘLÄ™dÄš|Ä›”Äœ¬ÄÄÄžÜÄŸ€ôÄ  Å¡$Å¢@<Å£€TŤlÅ¥„ŦœÅ§@´Å¨ÌÅ©äŪüūƬ,Æ­DƯ€\Æ° tƱŒÆ²¤Æ´¼Æµ@Ôƶ€ìƸ€Ç¹ Ǻ4Ç» as array * @return array */ public static function findAll() { $objCollection = CustomElementModel::findAll(); if($objCollection === null) { return array(); } $arrReturn = array(); foreach($objCollection as $objModel) { $arrReturn[] = static::create( $objModel ); // add to cache Cache::addCustomElement($objModel->id,$objReturn); Cache::addCustomElement($objModel->alias,$objReturn); } return $arrReturn; } /** * Return true if the custom element has been changed by a user e.g. after saving * @param integer Timestamp * @param string * @return boolean */ public static function hasChangedByTimestamp($intTstamp,$strAlias='') { if(strlen($strAlias) < 1) { if(\Contao\Input::get('act') != 'edit') { return false; } $objActiveRecord = null; $strTable = \Contao\Input::get('table'); $strModel = \Contao\Model::getClassFromTable($strTable); if(class_exists($strModel)) { $objActiveRecord = $strModel::findByPk(\Contao\Input::get('id')); } if($objActiveRecord === null) { $objActiveRecord = \Contao\Database::getInstance()->prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$strTable." WHERE id=?")->limit(1)->execute(\Contao\Input::get('id')); } // get the selection field for the current table $selectionfield = CustomElements::getSelectionField($strTable); // check if it is a custom element we are in if(!static::isCustomElement($objActiveRecord->{$selectionfield},$strTable)) { return false; } $strAlias = $objActiveRecord->{$selectionfield}; } $objResult = \PCT\CustomElements\Models\CustomElementModel::findByAlias($strAlias); return ($objResult->tstamp != $intTstamp ? true : false); } /** * Return true if the name/alias is a custom element * @param string * @param string * @return boolean */ public static function isCustomElement($strAlias) { return (\PCT\CustomElements\Models\CustomElementModel::findByAlias($strAlias) !== null ? true : false); } } An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error

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