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Use Symfony security instead.'); // Do not redirect if authentication is successful if (System::getContainer()->get('contao.security.token_checker')->hasBackendUser()) { return true; } if (!$request = System::getContainer()->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest()) { return false; } $route = $request->attributes->get('_route'); if ($route == 'contao_backend_login') { return false; } $url = System::getContainer()->get('router')->generate('contao_backend_login', array('redirect' => $request->getUri()), UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL); throw new RedirectResponseException(System::getContainer()->get('uri_signer')->sign($url)); } /** * Try to login the current user * * @return boolean True if the user could be logged in * * @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.5, to be removed in Contao 5.0. * Use Symfony security instead. */ public function login() { trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.5', 'Using "Contao\BackendUser::login()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Symfony security instead.'); return System::getContainer()->get('contao.security.token_checker')->hasBackendUser(); } /** * Check whether the current user has a certain access right * * @param array|string $field * @param string $array * * @return boolean */ public function hasAccess($field, $array) { if ($this->isAdmin) { return true; } if (!\is_array($field)) { $field = array($field); } if (\is_array($this->$array) && array_intersect($field, $this->$array)) { return true; } if ($array == 'filemounts') { // Check the subfolders (filemounts) foreach ($this->filemounts as $folder) { if (preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($folder, '/') . '(\/|$)/i', $field[0])) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Return true if the current user is allowed to do the current operation on the current page * * @param integer $int * @param array $row * * @return boolean * * @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.13, to be removed in Contao 5.0. * Use the "security.helper" service with the ContaoCorePermissions * constants instead. */ public function isAllowed($int, $row) { trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.13', 'Using "Contao\BackendUser::isAllowed()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5. Use the "security.helper" service with the ContaoCorePermissions constants instead.'); if ($this->isAdmin) { return true; } // Inherit CHMOD settings if (!$row['includeChmod']) { $pid = $row['pid']; $row['chmod'] = false; $row['cuser'] = false; $row['cgroup'] = false; $objParentPage = PageModel::findById($pid); while ($objParentPage !== null && $row['chmod'] === false && $pid > 0) { $pid = $objParentPage->pid; $row['chmod'] = $objParentPage->includeChmod ? $objParentPage->chmod : false; $row['cuser'] = $objParentPage->includeChmod ? $objParentPage->cuser : false; $row['cgroup'] = $objParentPage->includeChmod ? $objParentPage->cgroup : false; $objParentPage = PageModel::findById($pid); } // Set default values if ($row['chmod'] === false) { $row['chmod'] = Config::get('defaultChmod'); } if ($row['cuser'] === false) { $row['cuser'] = (int) Config::get('defaultUser'); } if ($row['cgroup'] === false) { $row['cgroup'] = (int) Config::get('defaultGroup'); } } // Set permissions $chmod = StringUtil::deserialize($row['chmod']); $chmod = \is_array($chmod) ? $chmod : array($chmod); $permission = array('w' . $int); if (\in_array($row['cgroup'], $this->groups)) { $permission[] = 'g' . $int; } if ($row['cuser'] == $this->id) { $permission[] = 'u' . $int; } return \count(array_intersect($permission, $chmod)) > 0; } /** * Return true if there is at least one allowed excluded field * * @param string $table * * @return boolean * * @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.13, to be removed in Contao 5.0. * Use the "security.helper" service with the ContaoCorePermissions::USER_CAN_EDIT_FIELDS_OF_TABLE * constant instead. */ public function canEditFieldsOf($table) { trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.13', 'Using "Contao\BackendUser::canEditFieldsOfTable()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5. Use the "security.helper" service with the ContaoCorePermissions::USER_CAN_EDIT_FIELDS_OF_TABLE constant instead.'); if ($this->isAdmin) { return true; } return \count(preg_grep('/^' . preg_quote($table, '/') . '::/', $this->alexf)) > 0; } /** * Restore the original numeric file mounts (see #5083) */ public function save() { $filemounts = $this->filemounts; if (!empty($this->arrFilemountIds)) { $this->arrData['filemounts'] = $this->arrFilemountIds; } parent::save(); $this->filemounts = $filemounts; } /** * Set all user properties from a database record */ protected function setUserFromDb() { $this->intId = $this->id; // Unserialize values foreach ($this->arrData as $k=>$v) { if (!is_numeric($v)) { $this->$k = StringUtil::deserialize($v); } } $GLOBALS['TL_USERNAME'] = $this->username; Config::set('showHelp', $this->showHelp); Config::set('useRTE', $this->useRTE); Config::set('useCE', $this->useCE); Config::set('thumbnails', $this->thumbnails); Config::set('backendTheme', $this->backendTheme); Config::set('fullscreen', $this->fullscreen); // Inherit permissions $always = array('alexf'); $depends = array('modules', 'themes', 'elements', 'fields', 'pagemounts', 'alpty', 'filemounts', 'fop', 'forms', 'formp', 'imageSizes', 'amg'); // HOOK: Take custom permissions if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_PERMISSIONS']) && \is_array($GLOBALS['TL_PERMISSIONS'])) { $depends = array_merge($depends, $GLOBALS['TL_PERMISSIONS']); } // Overwrite user permissions if only group permissions shall be inherited if ($this->inherit == 'group') { foreach ($depends as $field) { $this->$field = array(); } } // Merge permissions $inherit = \in_array($this->inherit, array('group', 'extend')) ? array_merge($always, $depends) : $always; $time = Date::floorToMinute(); foreach ((array) $this->groups as $id) { $objGroup = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_user_group WHERE id=? AND disable!='1' AND (start='' OR start<='$time') AND (stop='' OR stop>'$time')") ->limit(1) ->execute($id); if ($objGroup->numRows > 0) { foreach ($inherit as $field) { $value = StringUtil::deserialize($objGroup->$field, true); // The new page/file picker can return integers instead of arrays, so use empty() instead of is_array() and StringUtil::deserialize(true) here if (!empty($value)) { $this->$field = array_merge((\is_array($this->$field) ? $this->$field : ($this->$field ? array($this->$field) : array())), $value); $this->$field = array_unique($this->$field); } } } } // Make sure pagemounts and filemounts are set! if (!\is_array($this->pagemounts)) { $this->pagemounts = array(); } else { $this->pagemounts = array_filter($this->pagemounts); } if (!\is_array($this->filemounts)) { $this->filemounts = array(); } else { $this->filemounts = array_filter($this->filemounts); } // Store the numeric file mounts $this->arrFilemountIds = $this->filemounts; // Convert the file mounts into paths if (!$this->isAdmin && !empty($this->filemounts)) { $objFiles = FilesModel::findMultipleByUuids($this->filemounts); if ($objFiles !== null) { $this->filemounts = $objFiles->fetchEach('path'); } } // Hide the "admin" field if the user is not an admin (see #184) if (!$this->isAdmin && ($index = array_search('tl_user::admin', $this->alexf)) !== false) { unset($this->alexf[$index]); } } /** * Generate the navigation menu and return it as array * * @param boolean $blnShowAll * * @return array */ public function navigation($blnShowAll=false) { $arrModules = array(); $arrStatus = System::getContainer()->get('session')->getBag('contao_backend')->get('backend_modules'); $strRefererId = System::getContainer()->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest()->attributes->get('_contao_referer_id'); $router = System::getContainer()->get('router'); $security = System::getContainer()->get('security.helper'); foreach ($GLOBALS['BE_MOD'] as $strGroupName=>$arrGroupModules) { if (!empty($arrGroupModules) && ($strGroupName == 'system' || $this->hasAccess(array_keys($arrGroupModules), 'modules'))) { $arrModules[$strGroupName]['class'] = 'group-' . $strGroupName . ' node-expanded'; $arrModules[$strGroupName]['title'] = StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['collapseNode']); $arrModules[$strGroupName]['label'] = ($label = \is_array($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strGroupName] ?? null) ? ($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strGroupName][0] ?? null) : ($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strGroupName] ?? null)) ? $label : $strGroupName; $arrModules[$strGroupName]['href'] = $router->generate('contao_backend', array('do'=>Input::get('do'), 'mtg'=>$strGroupName, 'ref'=>$strRefererId)); $arrModules[$strGroupName]['ajaxUrl'] = $router->generate('contao_backend'); $arrModules[$strGroupName]['icon'] = 'modPlus.gif'; // backwards compatibility with e.g. EasyThemes foreach ($arrGroupModules as $strModuleName=>$arrModuleConfig) { // Check access $blnAccess = (isset($arrModuleConfig['disablePermissionChecks']) && $arrModuleConfig['disablePermissionChecks'] === true) || $security->isGranted(ContaoCorePermissions::USER_CAN_ACCESS_MODULE, $strModuleName); $blnHide = isset($arrModuleConfig['hideInNavigation']) && $arrModuleConfig['hideInNavigation'] === true; if ($blnAccess && !$blnHide) { $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName] = $arrModuleConfig; $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['title'] = StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strModuleName][1] ?? ''); $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['label'] = ($label = \is_array($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strModuleName] ?? null) ? ($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strModuleName][0] ?? null) : ($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strModuleName] ?? null)) ? $label : $strModuleName; $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['class'] = 'navigation ' . $strModuleName; $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['href'] = $router->generate('contao_backend', array('do'=>$strModuleName, 'ref'=>$strRefererId)); $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['isActive'] = false; } } } } // HOOK: add custom logic if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getUserNavigation']) && \is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getUserNavigation'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getUserNavigation'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0]); $arrModules = $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($arrModules, true); } } foreach ($arrModules as $strGroupName => $arrGroupModules) { $arrModules[$strGroupName]['isClosed'] = false; // Do not show the modules if the group is closed if (!$blnShowAll && isset($arrStatus[$strGroupName]) && $arrStatus[$strGroupName] < 1) { $arrModules[$strGroupName]['class'] = str_replace('node-expanded', '', $arrModules[$strGroupName]['class']) . ' node-collapsed'; $arrModules[$strGroupName]['title'] = StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['expandNode']); $arrModules[$strGroupName]['isClosed'] = true; } if (isset($arrGroupModules['modules']) && \is_array($arrGroupModules['modules'])) { foreach ($arrGroupModules['modules'] as $strModuleName => $arrModuleConfig) { // Mark the active module and its group if (Input::get('do') == $strModuleName) { $arrModules[$strGroupName]['class'] .= ' trail'; $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['isActive'] = true; } } } } return $arrModules; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getRoles() { if ($this->isAdmin) { return array('ROLE_USER', 'ROLE_ADMIN', 'ROLE_ALLOWED_TO_SWITCH', 'ROLE_ALLOWED_TO_SWITCH_MEMBER'); } if (!empty($this->amg) && \is_array($this->amg)) { return array('ROLE_USER', 'ROLE_ALLOWED_TO_SWITCH_MEMBER'); } return $this->roles; } /** * @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.9, to be removed in Contao 5.0. */ public function serialize() { $data = $this->__serialize(); $data['parent'] = serialize($data['parent']); return serialize($data); } public function __serialize(): array { return array('admin' => $this->admin, 'amg' => $this->amg, 'parent' => parent::__serialize()); } /** * @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.9 to be removed in Contao 5.0. */ public function unserialize($data) { $unserialized = unserialize($data, array('allowed_classes'=>false)); if (!isset($unserialized['parent'])) { return; } $unserialized['parent'] = unserialize($unserialized['parent'], array('allowed_classes'=>false)); $this->__unserialize($unserialized); } public function __unserialize(array $data): void { if (array_keys($data) != array('admin', 'amg', 'parent')) { return; } list($this->admin, $this->amg, $parent) = array_values($data); parent::__unserialize($parent); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isEqualTo(UserInterface $user) { if (!$user instanceof self) { return false; } if ((bool) $this->admin !== (bool) $user->admin) { return false; } return parent::isEqualTo($user); } } class_alias(BackendUser::class, 'BackendUser'); An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error

Oops! An Error Occurred

The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".

Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.